Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to get motivated and make choices inline with your purpose (goals).

Here are 10 questions to help you align with your purpose.

I base this on my belief and personal testing of this process with myself and many clients. Inside each of us is the  "source" that knows what we need. Sometimes we need someone to facilitate us finding the "knower" and asking the right questions.

  1. What are you grateful for?
  2. What would you say your priorities are?
  3. How do you spend your time? Look at your calendar 
  4. How do you spend your money? Look at your bank statement or receipts.Or ponder.
  5. What are your goals in 3 months 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, and twenty years?
  6. For each time frame write down three things in logical order you need to do to reach your goal.
  7. Now sit back and pick one goal and visualize yourself at the completion of this goal. Who if anyone is there? What are you wearing? What are the sounds you hear? What are the smells and taste associated with this place (would you be eating something)? What do you see around you? What do you feel inside at this place of completion or life goal?
  8. It is important to use your senses to train your subconscious mind to start doing these things automatically. Once you have an idea of this then visualize what each part of that goal would be. Example: Be healthier and  Lower Cholesterol in three months. Step 1 : Find 10 recipes and make a food plan based on foods that lower cholesterol. Step 2  Go to the grocery store and buy food. Step 3 . Prepare and follow the meal plan.
    This will change how you spend your time as you will be doing these steps and will have to replace something else you do like eating out or driving through drive throughs, this will change how you spend your money as well. 
  9. This applies to all aspects of life. You can do these for financial, relationships, health, spirituality, etc. For each goal make a bullet list. Example
    Goal : Financial
    Have 1000 dollars saved in 3 months: 1. Have a yard sale 2. Sell my clothes at resale 3. Don't shop and put back $300 a month that I would spend on going out and shopping. 
  10. Are you spending your money and your time in line with your goals and priorities? How would you change your time and financial choices based on these findings. 
Remember the little things happen every day, the big things only once in awhile. They all matter. Today is truly yesterday's tomorrow. What will your tomorrow look like? Only you can steer that ship.
Love and Light,

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