1. See what your local library offers in classes. They are usually about $5 a class.
2. Check out videos and books from your library.
3. You Tube free videos for exercise. I will do "15 minute beginner Pilates" and lots of stuff comes up. Nothing required but internet!
4. Check out a gym this month with a $10 no contract and see if you like it and can stay committed.
5. Take a walk in your neighborhood or use that equipment you have been using to hang clothes on.
6. Put your exercise equipment in front of a t.v. and allow yourself to watch a special show only when on the equipment.
7. Listen to podcast or a book on tape while you exercise.
8. Write down your "Why". Why do you want to exercise? Look at it often.
9. Schedule your time to exercise. When people ask you to do something else say "I have an appointment" and schedule another time. Self care first.
10. Get active with others, your friends, your family, or join a group. Hike, bike, do something with someone else.
1. Eat mostly plants. 5 to 9 servings a day. 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup whole is a serving. 2 cups of veggie soup is 4 servings. It's not as hard as you think.
2. Eat whole grains in moderation (we need about 30 grams of fiber a day).
3. Avoid red meat except on rare occasions. I only eat it about once a quarter if that.
4. Eat beans for protein often, they rebuild your gut flora and help with depression as well as overall gut health. They are anti cancer and great for fiber.
5. Try to eat your carbs in the daytime or before you exercise. If you didn't exercise that day or in the evening avoid carbs at night.
6. Avoid WHITE: Sugar, flour (breads, pastries and pasta), rice. Eat brown rice, natural sugar in moderation, and whole grains that have the fiber and hull.
7. Eat organic when you can, when you can't choose the word "Natural", then it's always better to eat a washed plant than something like a candy bar.
8. Eat a variety of food to minimize toxins or hormones getting into your body.
9. Stay away from plastics like BPA, ideally store things in glass, secondly BPA free plastic. BPA disrupts your hormones.
10. Eat healthy fats in moderation. Avacado, nuts and oils. Be careful they are high in calories and it does not take a lot to get the benefits.
11. Switch to water.
12. Cut the sugar and replace with fruit smoothies to get over the hump.
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